Fall 1903

Here is a printable version of the map: Print me! Or save me and print me!
Here is the list of moves for every country for this year.
Orders that were not executed are underlined.
There were also three retreats this spring. France F Spa-Por, England F Nth-Edi, and Austria A Tri-Tyr

A Vie-Tri
A Tri-Ven
F Adr-Apu

F Skag-Den
F Nth S F Ska-Den
A Hol S F Bel
F Nrg-Nwy

F Bel S A Hol
A Par-Bur
F Spa S A Mar
A Mar S F Spa
A Tus-Rome

A Bur-Bel
A Kiel-Hol
A Ruhr S A Kiel-Hol
F Hel S Russia F Nwy-Nth
F Den-Ska

F West-Spa
F Gol S F West-Spa
A Pie-Mar
A Ven-Rome

F Rum-H
A Bud S Turkey A Alb-Tri
A Gal S A Bud
F Nwy-Nth
F Stp-Nwy
A Fin S F Stp-Nwy
A Swe S F Stp-Nwy

A Alb-Tri
A Ser S A Alb-Tri
F Ion-Adr
F Aeg-H
A Bul-H

France F Spa-Por
England F Nth-Edi
Austria A Tri-Tyr

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