
Goodbye 1907, Hello 1908

The years are really moving along already. We are already in 1908 now and honing in on double digit years. It must be because we are all getting so good at Diplomacy, right? :) The moves for 1907 are done. We just need builds and disbands and we can work on 1908.

The next deadline is Friday, March 18th at 7PM

Here are the results for our current game:
The Start
Spring 1901
Fall 1901
Spring 1902
Fall 1902
Spring 1903
Fall 1903
Spring 1904
Fall 1904
Spring 1905
Fall 1905
Spring 1906
Fall 1906
Spring 1907
Fall 1907

If you would like to see the results of the first war go here:
World War I

Here are the specific strategies for your country straight from the Diplomacy rulebook:
Austrian Strategy (Chris)
English Strategy (Jay)
French Strategy (Chuck)
German Strategy (Wolyniak)
Italian Strategy (David)
Russian Strategy (Rich)
Turkish Strategy (Karle)

Check out the newest game Settlers of Catan

Settlers of Catan is a new game I just got, but I have heard many good things about it online and in the New York Times. Apparently many people have enjoyed the game and it is a nice alternative to Diplomacy. Check out the game overview and the game rules on The Catan Page and let me know if you are interested in playing. I'll have to work out some of the details of how to play it online, but we will most likely just need a way of rolling dice and trading cards. That's about it.

I found this site online which had some interesting insights and strategies for the game Settlers of Catan. I know I'm psyched to play it now after reading more about it. If you want to research even more, just type in Settlers of Catan in any search engine and check out some of the sites devoted to the game.

Blog You!

I just set up a blog (message board) for the website here. What is the point of this thing? Oh well, everyone must have a blog so here it is.

Kremlin Politburo Member of the Month

Hobbies: Expensive furs
Ambition: To own a moose coat with a squirrel collar

A confirmed feminist, no one will ever accuse Natasha of getting where she is by means of loose virtue. With a face that would stop a clock, most of her associates live in mortal fear of any tete-a-tete with her--suspicious of rumors spread by her enemies that she is increasingly desperate to beat her biological clock to motherhood. Despite this, her imposing six-foot bulk is often seen in the company of Boris Badenuff.

If you have any suggestions, or want to add something of your own, please let me know. Submissions are always welcome. In the meantime, enjoy!

Send submissions or comments to: cmccarty1@cs.com

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