The World War I ended in a five way draw involving Germany, Turkey, Italy, Russia, and Austria. Although there was no declared winner, much fun was had by all and it was a good learning experience for the majority of us playing in our first game ever.

Austria was Chuck Mathews
England was Jay Afragola
France was Pat Buckley
Germany was David Cooper
Italy was Mike Karle
Russia was Chris McCarty
Turkey was Mike Wolyniak

The Start
Spring 1901
Fall 1901
Fall 1901 Builds
Spring 1902
Fall 1902
Fall 1902 Builds/Disbands
Spring 1903
Fall 1903
Fall 1903 Builds/Disbands
Spring 1904
Fall 1904
Spring 1905
Fall 1905
Spring 1906
Fall 1906
Spring 1907
Fall 1907
Spring 1908
Fall 1908
End of Game Statements

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